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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Grass is greener where you've water it

The Grass Is Greener

photo by Bianca Bazile, Poem By Ryan Lee Moris
The Grass Is Greener

The grass is greener so they say.
We still don't water and care for that grass.

That grass will be gone.

We focus on what we do not have.

Rather than what we do.
A crazy cycle of wanting more.
A jaded point of view.

Keeping up with the Joneses

A mad and thankless place.
Never stopping to smell the roses.
Running an endless race.

Life passes you by, then it's taken from you.

By a thief walking in the night.
Our wants they steal from all our needs.
Your life's a script you can't rewrite.

So value all it is that you have.

For you truly have been blessed.
Live a life that's full and abundant.
Live a life that is your best.

Grass is greener where it's watered.

With much love and with much care.
If home is where your heart is.
Put your love and your time there. 

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