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Sunday, November 17, 2013

He Awaits With Open Arms

November 17, 2013 0 Comments
He Awaits You With Open Arms

From a sermon, please READ: LUKE 14:23 & JUDGES 7:1-7

I am not only poor, but I am broken. There was literally a time when I thought I could work out my own salvation without God's help, when I could perform good works, attend to ceremonies, and get to heaven by myself!  but now I am so tiredly broken, the sword of the law has cut off my hands, and now I can work no longer. I say this to you with bitter sorrow! 

I have lost all strength now to obey the law. In all honesty it distastefully tainted my spirit to feel that when I would do good, evil is present with me. But you must understand, I was broken, I had given up, as a forlorn hope, all attempt to save myself. But you are far worse than that, for if I could not work my way to heaven, yet I could walk my way there along the road by faith; but you are broken in the feet as well as in the hands. You feel that you cannot believe, that you cannot repent, that you cannot obey the wisdoms and knowledge of the gospel. You feel that you are utterly undone, powerless in every respect to do anything that can be pleasing to God. In fact, you are crying out!  

My friends, I come to you simple of speech, and I suggest that you too may run to Christ. Don't you know how good He is? Let me tell you from my own soul what I know of him. I, too, once despised him. He knocked at the door of my heart and I refused to open it. He came to me, times after times, mornings after mornings, and nights after nights; he checked me in my conscience and have spoken to me by his Spirit, and when, at last, the thunders of the law prevailed in my conscience, I thought that Christ was cruel and unkind. O I can never forgive myself that I should have thought so ill of him! But what a loving reception did I have when I went to him! I thought he would smite me, but his hand was not clenched in anger but opened wide in mercy. I thought for sure that his eyes would dart lightning-flashes of wrath upon me; but, instead thereof, they were FULL OF TEARS. He fell upon my neck and kissed me, he took off my rags and clothe me with his righteousness, and caused my soul to sing aloud for joy. while in the house of my heart and in the house of his church there was music and dancing, because his daughter that he had lost was found, and she that was dead was made alive. I'm crying to you, then, to look to Jesus Christ and to be lightened. 

But of course! the trials of a Christian life you shall find heavy! but you will also find that grace will make them light! And as for the joys and delights of being a child of God! if I 'm lying to you today you shall charge me with it in the days to come. But trust that, that If you will taste and see that the Lord is good, then you shall also find that he is not only good, but better OH SOO MUCH BETTER than ANY human lips can ever describe.

Must I use some stronger words? Must I use some other compulsion to compel you? Friends, if there is one thing I am sure upon this morning, is if you are not saved, you have entirely NO excuse and If you refused to hold on to Christ, your blood shall be on your OWN head. If there be power in these words, well, that power shall be exercised this morning.
As I leave you, I will continue to pray for you.  I hope you find an  understanding in my words. I leave in you peace and in complete harmony with the choices you've made. 

 May God bless you entirely for eternity. 

XO Bianca