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Sunday, November 17, 2013

He Awaits With Open Arms

November 17, 2013 0 Comments
He Awaits You With Open Arms

From a sermon, please READ: LUKE 14:23 & JUDGES 7:1-7

I am not only poor, but I am broken. There was literally a time when I thought I could work out my own salvation without God's help, when I could perform good works, attend to ceremonies, and get to heaven by myself!  but now I am so tiredly broken, the sword of the law has cut off my hands, and now I can work no longer. I say this to you with bitter sorrow! 

I have lost all strength now to obey the law. In all honesty it distastefully tainted my spirit to feel that when I would do good, evil is present with me. But you must understand, I was broken, I had given up, as a forlorn hope, all attempt to save myself. But you are far worse than that, for if I could not work my way to heaven, yet I could walk my way there along the road by faith; but you are broken in the feet as well as in the hands. You feel that you cannot believe, that you cannot repent, that you cannot obey the wisdoms and knowledge of the gospel. You feel that you are utterly undone, powerless in every respect to do anything that can be pleasing to God. In fact, you are crying out!  

My friends, I come to you simple of speech, and I suggest that you too may run to Christ. Don't you know how good He is? Let me tell you from my own soul what I know of him. I, too, once despised him. He knocked at the door of my heart and I refused to open it. He came to me, times after times, mornings after mornings, and nights after nights; he checked me in my conscience and have spoken to me by his Spirit, and when, at last, the thunders of the law prevailed in my conscience, I thought that Christ was cruel and unkind. O I can never forgive myself that I should have thought so ill of him! But what a loving reception did I have when I went to him! I thought he would smite me, but his hand was not clenched in anger but opened wide in mercy. I thought for sure that his eyes would dart lightning-flashes of wrath upon me; but, instead thereof, they were FULL OF TEARS. He fell upon my neck and kissed me, he took off my rags and clothe me with his righteousness, and caused my soul to sing aloud for joy. while in the house of my heart and in the house of his church there was music and dancing, because his daughter that he had lost was found, and she that was dead was made alive. I'm crying to you, then, to look to Jesus Christ and to be lightened. 

But of course! the trials of a Christian life you shall find heavy! but you will also find that grace will make them light! And as for the joys and delights of being a child of God! if I 'm lying to you today you shall charge me with it in the days to come. But trust that, that If you will taste and see that the Lord is good, then you shall also find that he is not only good, but better OH SOO MUCH BETTER than ANY human lips can ever describe.

Must I use some stronger words? Must I use some other compulsion to compel you? Friends, if there is one thing I am sure upon this morning, is if you are not saved, you have entirely NO excuse and If you refused to hold on to Christ, your blood shall be on your OWN head. If there be power in these words, well, that power shall be exercised this morning.
As I leave you, I will continue to pray for you.  I hope you find an  understanding in my words. I leave in you peace and in complete harmony with the choices you've made. 

 May God bless you entirely for eternity. 

XO Bianca 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Day At The Pool

October 18, 2013

On the day Skylar turns 16 month, she faced her fears and finally allowed herself to get in the water. As she was in the water, her face expressions were the most hilarious, she  continuously switches from scared to happy all from a matter of seconds. I could tell she was confused by how can something so scary can also be so much fun! As she moved around and became more comfortable, I watched her became amazed by all aspects of the water. From the way the water splashes and the way it floats her body,  she couldn't help but to laugh. 

I don't think I've ever seen her this happy about anything! 

When it was time to get out of the water, she refuses! she didn't want to go, she wanted to continue splashing for as long as her hands and feet would allow. Sara and I enjoyed absolutely enjoyed our time with her, hope you find joy in our collection of her beautiful pictures.

XO Bianca

Thursday, October 10, 2013

25 ways to Show Your Wife You Love Her

October 10, 2013 0 Comments

The key to a successful marriage is putting your spouse’s needs ahead of your own. Here are 25 practical suggestions gleaned from 25 years of happy marriage.

By Doug Flanders MD

  1. Listen To be truly heard is the longing of every human heart, and your wife is no exception. It sounds simple, but listening can be harder than it seems with so many distractions around us and within us. Set aside some time every day to look into your wife’s eyes and really listen to what she has to say. You may be surprised at what you hear. (James 1:19Matthew 11:15)
  2. Communicate
    Don’t make her guess what you are thinking or feeling.
  3. Sing Her Praises
    Shamelessly brag about her good qualities and quietly pray about her bad ones. Her reputation is your reputation. (Proverbs 31:28-29)
  4. Pray For Her and With Her
    Praying on your wife’s behalf not only enlists the help of the Almighty, but also puts her and her needs at the forefront of your heart and mind, right where they belong. Praying alongside your wife will strengthen your relationship like nothing else. Studies show that couples who regularly pray together stay together, enjoying a 1% divorce rate compared to the usual rate of 50% or more. (Philippians 4:6Matthew 18:19)
  5. Value Her Individuality
    Your wife is wonderfully unique. Don’t compare her to your mom, or your ex-wife, or your old girlfriend. Your mom may make the best chocolate chip cookies in the world, but unfavorable comparisons won’t win you brownie points.
  6. Put the Seat Down
    Perpetually raised toilet seats are a pet peeve of wives everywhere. And while you’re at it, tidy up a bit. A little consideration goes a long way. (Philippians 2:4)
  7. Throw Your Dirty Clothes in the Hamper
    It’s likely just a few steps from wherever you are dropping them anyway. Make this a habit, and it will let your wife know your don’t consider her your personal maid.
  8. Turn Off the T.V.
    Lay aside the video games, pocket the iPhone, and shut off the computer, as well. It is staggering how many hours we waste gazing at some sort of screen instead of interacting with the real people in our lives. Consciously set limits on your tube-time, whatever form it takes. Use the time saved to invest in your marriage: take a walk with your wife or play a board game together instead. (Psalm 90:12)
  9. Loosen the Purse StringsWe all have to keep an eye on our budget, but an occasional splurge can be well worth it. Seemingly frivolous things like flowers, jewelry, and overpriced restaurants let her know that she is more valuable to you than a number in your bank account.
  10. Practice Servant-Leadership
    All organizations have a hierarchy. It’s impossible to function without one, but being a leader isn’t the same as being a dictator. The best role model is Jesus Christ, not Joseph Stalin. Jesus washed his disciples feet and then died on their behalf. It’s a challenge to exercise authority while maintaining a spirit of humility, but that is what being a godly leader entails. (Matthew 20:28,Philippians 2:1-8Mark 9:35)
  11. Remember that Intimacy’s a Two-Way Street
    Unfortunately, men are notoriously selfish in the bedroom, yet are dumbfounded when their wives are less than enthusiastic in this arena. Make this area of your relationship as pleasurable for her as it is for you and it will pay huge dividends. It may mean washing the dishes or helping with the kids, so that she has energy left at the end of the day. It may mean cuddling and candlelight, so that she can relax and let the worries on her mind drift away. If you aren’t sure where to begin, just ask her, and then listen. (1 Corinthians 7:3)
  12. Give Her Time to Herself
    Everyone needs an occasional break to rest and recharge, and this is especially important for a wife who is at home all day with young children. Yet it’s very easy to neglect this legitimate need unless you regularly and intentionally schedule time for it. (Luke 5:16)
  13. Set Aside Couple Time
    Soak in the tub together each evening or go on a date night once a week — whatever gets the two of you alone on a regular basis. (Genesis 2:24-25)
  14. Be Careful with Female Friendships
    We all have friends and colleagues of the opposite sex, but tread cautiously. Not all affairs are physical ones. Honoring your marriage vows means remaining faithful in thought and word as well as in deed. (Matthew 5:27-28)
  15. Use Good Hygiene
    It is amazing how meticulous guys can be prior to marriage in their attempts to impress a girl, but once they walk down the aisle, all bets are off. Clean up a little; I promise it won’t kill you.
  16. Limit the Gross Stuff
    Few women find burping and farting nearly as hilarious as the typical guy does. Good manners are always a win. (Ephesians 5:4)
  17. Be Patient
    In whatever way this applies to you and your situation, apply it. (1 Corinthians 13:4Proverbs 14:29)
  18. Cherish Her Children
    A mother’s bond to her children runs immeasurably deep. When you invest time or energy in them, you are investing in her as well. Kindness to them counts as kindness to her. (Malachi 4:6)
  19. Choose Her Over Hobbies and Buddies
    Invariably there will come times in your relationship when you will be forced to choose between your wife and something else that you enjoy. Always choose her.
  20. Provide for Her Needs
    This is so much more than just putting food on the table. It is all-encompassing. Whether it is physical needs, emotional needs, spiritual needs, you name it — do your best to provide. Sometimes life’s circumstances hinder us in one area, but we can compensate in another area. Often the effort is as important as the outcome. (Galatians 6:2)
  21. Dial Down the Anger
    Your caveman instincts are handy on the battlefield, but horrible for a happy home life. Every outburst or flare-up is a relationship setback. To go forward, the first step is to stop going backwards. Learn to control your temper or it will control you, your marriage, and every other aspect of your life. Just because your wife puts up with it and your co-workers tolerate it, doesn’t make your short fuse an asset. Do whatever it takes to gain victory in this all-important struggle that has haunted man since Cain slew Abel. (Ecclesiastes 7:9,Ephesians 4:31)
  22. Cut Out the Condescension
    If you have been blessed with a quick wit, you can either be the life of the party or a pain in the neck depending on the circumstances. Condescension is anger’s younger brother. It isn’t as loud or as dramatic, but it can be equally hurtful and all the more so for its subtlety. Lay off the snide remarks, the sarcasm, and the belittling. Speak to your wife in the same way that you would speak to a respected colleague. She is, after all, your partner in the most valuable investment of your life — your family.(, (Ephesians 4:29Colossians 3:19)
  23. Actively Seek Your Wife’s Insights
    Value her input and give it a preferential place in your decision-making process. (Proverbs 19:2012:15)
  24. Learn to Forgive
    Freely forgive your wife’s past, present, and future offenses. Forgiveness is at the heart of the gospel and at the heart of every meaningful relationship. (Ephesians 4:32Colossians 3:13)
  25. Verbally Express Your Love
    There are lots of ways to show your love, but women still like to hear it spoken.
Xo, Bianca

Memories In a Jar

October 10, 2013 1 Comments
Sore a Year Worth of Great Memories 
In a Jar

A sweet keepsake to remind yourself how amazing and grateful and favored you truly are.

Start the year on January 1st with an empty jar and throughout the year write the good things that have happened to you on little pieces of paper and store them in the jar. On New Years Eve December 31, open the jar and read all the amazing things that has happened to you that year!

 A lot of times we forget the amazing things that has happen in our lives. We would be more grateful if we were more often reminded of the great things that took place in a year. for me,  I feel like I remember the bigs things, such getting into nursing school, graduating, a baby niece, but I forget the little good things such as my friends buying me a beach cruiser or giving out balloons on behalf of my friend birthday and even reading the book of proverbs with a friend. So therefore, I'm going to do this! I will start this Christmas and open it next Christmas. 

It would be a great idea to do this with close friends and open the jar together at the end of that year, share great memories, great laughs, and greats tears!

 More cynical version would be to write down the bad things that happen, then burn them up at the end of the year.

XO Bianca

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Frozen chocolate peanut butter banana bites With Video!

October 09, 2013 0 Comments

Frozen chocolate peanut butter banana bites with video!


Peanut butter
Ripped Banana
Coconut flakes
Olive oil
Hershey milk chocolate bars

Cut the bananas into bite sized pieces
Add peanut butter to make a sandwich
Place tooth picks to hold on to the sandwich
Place in freezer for 1 hour
After 1 hour, melt Hershey chocolate bars in a bowl add ½ tsp. of oil
Swirl banana bites on to chocolate, than sprinkle coconut flakes all over.
Put back in the freezer for about 30 minutes then it’s ready to be served

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A Bike Ride On a Trail

October 08, 2013 0 Comments

Why take a bike ride on the trail? Hybrid Bike

6 Reason why you should take a bike outing

1. Its a great outing for you and friends.

2.  A great Date for you and a significant other, to enjoy each others company while exploring nature.

3. A great way to stay active especially when you don't feel like taking that daily jog, or its too hot for a jog! get out your bike, dust it off and take ride. (don't forget your water, of course)

4. It a Great workout. increased cardiovascular fitnessincreased strength, increased balance and flexibility, increased endurance and stamina, increased calories burned

5. A great way to renew your mind and enjoy the wonderful works of nature. Riding a bike is a proven stress releaser. Regardless of if you are riding purely for pleasure or for a specific purpose, you will arrive at your destination feeling relaxed, energized and happier about the world and yourself.

6. A great way to get some fresh air an its fun! The more time you spend on two wheels, the harder it is to take yourself too seriously.

Free Pantry Labels

October 08, 2013 0 Comments
Lets Get Organize
Easy to download and print

Make Sure to print using white sticky printing paper.
You can order them here for only $5.99. Or you can also find them at your local convenient stores, such as Walmart.
In case you were wondering which is better between the glossy and matted,    
 I prefer matted, as it will last longer and wont easily smeared.

Click on The pictures to Download




These labels re found at, I just choose the ones I'm using, visit her for more!
For the Herbs & Spices

For labels of different Herbs for the tea lover such as myself I've found these amazing labels from, please visit her for more of these labels!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Don't Let Perfectionism Become Your Curse

October 04, 2013 2 Comments

Don't Let Perfectionism Become Your Curse

As I have been taking some time to read my Bible, I'm realizing how much I have learned. It simply amazes me that in this short period of time I have learned more than I've known my whole entire life. 
That my friend is what I call a BLESSING. 

As the days have come and leaves, I'm literally in complete aw watching myself becoming so much more of the person that I had always craved to be. Knowing God's love, accepting his wisdom and contemplating on his words to gain his knowledge has been my ultimate fuel. 

 I've always lived my life playing on the sidewalk, doing only the things that allowed me to have complete control, for the hopes of never crossing path with disappointments or frustrations. Yes, the gift of being a perfectionist has engraved in me the repulsive perks of frustration and that no matter what, it’s never good enough.

YES, many of us perfectionist believes that we're not ready yet, "it's a process, we're getting there". We're not ready to take a stand because we know the works that it requires, because we've seen that the morality/wisdom of God is perpendicular to the morals of mankind. We start building walls because we're too afraid to take on something to only fail. We're too afraid to FAILWe are living this life learning and teaching our children's that failure is never an option. But failing to realized, that God is not in favor of such relationship. We can NOT love if we're too afraid to fall.

I've learned that God's love is good ENOUGH, there's no such thing as disappointment or frustration in the presence of God (for the book of proverbs says 6:23 "his command is a lamp, and his teaching is a light and corrections and instructions are the way to life"). Knowing the depths of his love has weaken all my selfish ways and allowes to commit myself to him.  It has opened my eyes to a new depths of living.  I will not be afraid to take a stand. God is too Great for me to thank him in close doors. I may not know everything but that's what the Bible is for, it is his command and his words are my light. There will come a time where I may stumble, where I may even fall, but his love will surpass it all, and in the end I will rejoice in his arms because his fuel wont allow me to give up. 

If you think you too have a habit that is keeping you from being a Christian, then I suggest that you take it to God, pray to him! lay it on the table before him and tell him precisely that this is what you have, that is the situation and this is where you want to be. If you truly mean this with all your being, he will help you! for it is WRITTEN, God wont interfere until you've asked him to.

XO, Bianca